It didn’t take a virus to force us to think about different ways of doing business. But now the future of real estate is on fast forward. Book a virtual workshop and get your team ahead of the curve.

4 Perspectives to Start with:

1. Sticky Cities and the War for Talent

Talent attraction, retention and growth is a tale of cities. It’s about getting the fundamentals right when it comes to positioning, programming and public-private partnerships. The silver bullet: focus on the spaces in between. That’s where talent sticks!

Turin — 2019
Keynote on Sticky Cities 

2. Highlight on Health & Happiness

We shape our buildings, and afterwards, our buildings shape us. That one you knew. Covid-19 is going to highlight the strong business case for health and happiness in real estate. With wellness as a purpose we drive performance in your places.

Milan — 2018

3. Hybridisation is Happening

Hello new way of working / living / learning / shopping. Changing customer behaviour is driving a strong demand for hybrid real estate. Making sense of mixed-use will require more operational skill, better design and a different approach to financing.

Berlin — 2019
Panel on The Urban Campus

4. Purposeful placemaking

Whatever your brand, for today’s urban society placemaking should be a main concern. Purposeful placemaking is about enhancing place with layers of experience, ultimately driving new business models and value chains in cities.

Florence — 2018
Workshop on Manifattura Tabacchi


Beyond the Blabla.

Lorem ipsum MIPIM dolor sit amet, Many Possible Cities consectetuer adipiscing elit, Torino Stratosferica sed diam nonummy The Class of 2020 nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam magna aliquam erat volutpat. Milano Urban Campus Ut wisi enim ad The Coliving Code minim veniam, Nordic Placebranding Conference quis Placebrand Observer nostrud The Pie News exerci tation ullamcorper Radio1 suscipit Expo Real lobortis nisl ut Student Accommodation Podcast aliquip ex TU Delft ea commodo consequat.